Welcome to The Escapement Room. The NSFW watch blog.

We are a group of watch enthusiasts brought together by a love of watches and a desire to create alternative, unfiltered and entertaining content.

This blog is for those who want to escape the world of clickbait videos and the same tame, watered-down takes, and perhaps read something a little different to the usual endless watch reviews.

It is currently lovingly cared for and curated by Greg, Kaysia, Chris and Erik, with the occasional guest blogger popping in.


Greg is a trial attorney focusing on criminal defense and family law issues. He is active in bringing low income and workforce housing into his community. He owns too many watches and pens. He will tell you about them…often in excruciating detail.


Kaysia is a UK GP who has been working in the NHS for 20 years. She enjoys the thrill of the watch hunt, exploring the relationship between watches, psychology and sociology, and peeling off crystal protector stickers. She is currently building a watch collection of an inappropriate size.


The less said about Christopher the better.

If you are interested in having your own blogging space in The Room, drop us an email: team@theescapementroom.com

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